More on the grand opening here.
"Since 2000, said Garry Mrozek, chairman of the incubator board and area president of National City Bank, the incubator has contributed to the creation of 250 jobs and 17 patents. The success of incubator, he noted, has forced the organization to revisit its plans for growth. “We’re more of an accelerator rather than an incubator,” he stated.
Future endeavors call for working with the CIC to transform the Semple Building into new offices for technology-based companies.
Much of this growth has been fueled by Turning Technologies, which officially moved into the Taft Center two weeks ago.
Turning Chief Executive Officer Michael Broderick said the building is critical to the continued growth of his company. Five years ago, Turning consisted of a handful of employees. Today, it employs more than 135 -- 120 of whom work from the corporate headquarters downtown.
Broderick reported the company topped $28 million in sales least year and expects to increase revenues by 50%, or $14 million. The company occupies portions of all three floors of the new building."